Lisa J. Coaching


061: Breakthrough Your Fear of Success and Dream Bigger!

Break Through YourFear of Success and Dream Bigger!

Break Through YourFear of Success and Dream Bigger!

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Hey everyone! It’s Lisa J. here and welcome to another Build Your Belief Podcast and YouTube Show.

What does it take to create success? What does it take?

I was just asked this by one of my clients and I thought, “You know what it really takes is belief and time.” And the more belief you have the less time it takes. We’ve been talking about getting into momentum and creating that sweet spot, that flow where the fortuitous happens, and the serendipity occurs, and I believe that’s just by being in action, by building your belief, that’s by creating some momentum in your belief, in your actions, in your focus. That sweet spot of momentum. Let’s bridge that conversation from last week’s show, The Power of Momentum, and that that takes time to build that momentum, to build that belief, to actually focus long enough that you see a result or you feel the sweet spot of momentum. Let’s bridge that conversation with, what does it take to create success? Belief and Time. And the more belief you have the less time it takes.

This week’s show is all about building your belief and one of the ways to do that you guys, is you actually write out and craft a compelling vision. What do you really want? What are your most desired ways of being? Who is the best version of you and your future? And being that best version, what will you organically create and attract?

If you focused in on your business plan long enough to get in that sweet spot of momentum, what’s possible? What do you want to create? If you really did create that level of income what do you want to do? Who do you want to be? What does you life look like? Especially in these interesting times, more than ever, you need to train your brain in what you want, what’s possible for you, and start building the belief on that vision.

So, I’m actually filming, right now, this show in the executive airport, right here in Orange County, Southern California. And one of the things that I always wrote on my vision boards and my craft my compelling vision is that I wanted to marry a pilot. It’s important to me. Not only do I love to fly commercially, I do, but I just knew and I just know that to have a private plane and to be able to go when you’re needed you can help so many more people. And that was my vision. Not only to have the excitement and the fun of being able to fly private, but also who can you be for others when you have a plane at your disposal anytime you want?

I can’t tell you the feeling what it was like on November 8th, 2018 when that Paradise Camp Fire happened and I heard that my parents lost their home and so did 40,000 other displaced people, 17,000 structures gone in a day. Within 48 hours my husband, Jeff, had lined up our plane, we got on the plane, we went up to Lake Almanor, and we were there for my parents, we were there for my brother, we were there for my friends. And from that I got to actually create a non-profit, and you probably donated to that cause, and I was able to raise over $10,000, which we nearly doubled, almost $20,000, I was able to give to the people I didn’t even know who were in tents in the Walmart parking lot. Incredible. That would not have happened had I not crafted that vision of, “I want to marry a pilot,” “I want to have access to a plane,” or “I want to become a pilot.”

So, don’t think that your goals or your passions, or your inner desire, don’t think they’re frivolous, there’s a reason you want that, there’s a reason you’re called for that lifestyle, there’s a reason. We are all connected and your goals and your dreams, they matter for the collective consciousness, they matter. So what do you really want? Are you dreaming too small? What would it really look like if you said, “This is what I really want, I’ve always wanted this and I’ve been limiting myself to even speak that I wanted this.” What is it and then why do you wan it?

When you craft that compelling vision you build your belief and that’s called creating momentum in your faith. And my friend, success takes two things: time and belief, belief and time. And the more belief you have the less time it takes.

So, I’m so grateful that I was surrounded by people that didn’t judge me for that desire and they celebrated my desire to either become a pilot or marry a pilot. And I’m so grateful that I actually attracted Jeff Johnston and we dated for a year, we were engaged for a year, and we got married. And today, you want to see what it looks like to have some private planes to be able to be in this executive airport? This is amazing, this lifestyle. And if this is what you want, I want this for you.

Where can you start, right now, today, in crafting your vision? That you give yourself permission to desire what you desire and stop judging yourself and then build the momentum of belief. You read that vision every single morning. I did, I read my vision every single morning and it took maybe four years to actually manifest this, whether it was me being a pilot myself or having this plane through marriage. Thank you, Jeff Johnston.

So, if you were like me and you quenched your big dream because you judged yourself, thought maybe other people would judge you, or you thought it was too frivolous, or too big, or like you even heard yourself say, “Who am I to think I could achieve that or that I could have that in my life.” I want you to know my friend that that is thinking that has got to go, because your dreams matter. And whatever passion you have, whatever dream you have, that seed of that dream in your heart, when it germinates and it comes to full fruition it helps everyone.

What you want not only does it help you, it helps everyone. So that example that I just gave about wanting to be a pilot, to have a plane, for fun for freedom, but also to be of service for other people. Right now, here we are, in the middle of COVID able to get on a plane safely, and able to go help my parents up in Lake Almanor, just like we did on November 8th right after the Paradise fire. So, I’m just so grateful that I’m not just able to create that dream, but also that I gave myself permission to let that dream happen to stay focused on that dream, to build momentum in my belief around it.

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052: A Spiritual Vaccine for COVID-19 Part II

A Spiritual Vaccine for COVID-19
Part II

A Spiritual Vaccine for COVID-19
Part II

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Hey everyone, it’s Lisa J. here and welcome to another Build Your Belief Podcast and YouTube Show. Last week we talked about the spiritual vaccine for the coronavirus. Wow, what incredible ideas each one of you have been coming up with to just share joy, gratitude, help, service, kindness, even silence. Silence is a gift when you have nothing nice to say.

This week I want to take it a step further and actually reward you for your acts of kindness, for your ideas, for your service, and I’m going to have a contest. Everyone and anyone can win, it’s a $50 gift card going to you, the person who shares their spiritual vaccine on the Build Your Belief Show posting right below, right here. So all you have to do is share your idea.

What have you done to actually create a sense of peace, and well-being, and hope, and kindness for others in this very uncertain time? I want to reward you with that.

And so I’m going to have as many people that want to post between this Tuesday and next week. I’m going to share who you are on next week’s show and reward you with a gift from me, and that’s a $50 gift certificate as a thank you for being who you are, for your loved ones, for your community, with your spiritual vaccine idea.

Here’s a couple of ideas. Idea number one: My own client, Anneli, over in Stockholm Sweden, she launched the one minute of unity. Every morning she goes live at 8:00AM and she creates a collective consciousness for one minute, for 60 seconds, she comes up with an idea each morning. Sometimes she’s out in nature and she’s showing and sharing the beautiful nature of Stockholm in the month of March. Sometimes she’s dancing and she forgets that when you dance you move the phone and that’s ok, that video was hilarious, Anneli. Sometimes it’s a meditation; sometimes it’s a moment of 60 seconds of silence. Sometimes it’s gratitude. What an awesome idea Anneli came up with, kudos to her.

Another idea, a client of mine, her name is Jean, she has decided to go do videos and showing appreciation for the people in her life, all of her life, that she wants to thank and share gratitude publicly with, so she posts every couple of days a new gratitude video of somebody in her life that has made an impact on her, made a difference for her and she’s grateful and wants to share it publicly.

So, do you see these ideas, whether you’re creating a collectively consciousness in unity, or it’s your own community, your own family, friends, clients, colleagues that you want to make a difference for and show gratitude toward?

Whatever you want to do, your ideas will be brilliant, I want to hear them. So, come up with an idea, your own way to make a difference in this challenging time.

Post it below on this week’s show and you win a $50 gift certificate from me. That’s my way to give back and to share a spiritual vaccine of giving and valuing and honoring you for making a difference right now in this tough time.

And if you are a nurse or doctor, or in the medical profession—Wow, I just am so grateful for you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You know, if my kids, or my clients, or my friends, or my family was they’re having an emotional challenge, I’m good at that, that’s my genius, I’m there for you, but if you’re having an illness… Like I’m the kind of parent that said to their kids, “Ew, you’re throwing up, could you like shut the door?” No, I’m not—I wasn’t that bad, but pretty darn close. So, my upmost respect goes out to you for your calling as a nurse, a doctor, in the medical profession. And thank you for who you are and thank you for your service. If you know of someone that needs an extra gratitude card, thank you card, or even a $50 gift certificate in the medical profession, please let me know that I’m happy to send that to them.

Last idea, what about your service people? People who do your hair, your barber, your hair stylist, my nail tech, my gal Anna, who does my eyelashes. I called each one of them and shared with them, I just want to send you a $50 gift certificate just because, because it’s a challenging time. And if you have it please share it. Whether it’s cash, whether it’s gratitude, whether it’s service, whether it’s kindness, whether it’s your words, this is the time to step up and share. Can’t wait to hear your ideas for the spiritual vaccine and we’ll see you next week on the Build Your Belief Show. Thanks you guys!

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051: A Spiritual Vaccine for COVID-19

A Spiritual Vaccine for COVID-19

A Spiritual Vaccine for COVID-19

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Hey everyone, it’s Lisa J. here and welcome to another Build Your Belief Podcast and YouTube show.

So, just three days ago I sitting in the Mindset Reset 2-Day Intensive in Newport Beach and the whole world changed with this coronavirus and the new mandates of social distance and having a social responsibility to stay inside and stop the movement of the community, wow! It was a privilege though to go through that experience with other thought leaders and influencers and watched how they managed their emotions, watched how they managed their businesses from afar, watched how they managed their family who was in upset and still be able to stay in the conversation of how powerful a mindset is, and recreating yourself.

And then we came out of that on Friday to a whole new world. Grocery stores that don’t have food on the shelves, fear of running out of gasoline, or not being able to go to the bank. I mean all this uproar. The coronavirus is more than a disease of the body; it is the disease of the mind. And so this week’s Build Your Belief Show, I’m going to offer you a spiritual vaccine, whilst we don’t have the physical vaccine yet, here is a spiritual vaccine and it is time that we start harnessing our own emotions and harness power managing our fear and not allow ourselves or our emotions, or our family or friends to move into panic mode.

Here are four ideas on the spiritual vaccine for the coronavirus. Idea number one: Let go of blame, we’ve got to stop blaming, there will be time for judgment, oh yeah, there will be time for judgment. Now is not the time. If you’re on the kick of a conspiracy theory, or you’re blaming China, or you’re blaming fill in the blank. Stop it. It’s not helping holding the energy of a cure, of the planet well-being, whole and complete, healing. Even those words, hear that language, the energy that those words hold. So, I’m asking you as my followers to please hold the image, the vision, the words of being whole and complete, of the cure being found, of the planet restoring itself.

Judgment will come, now’s not the time for judgment or blaming. No more blaming. Shift the energy around judgment and blame.

The second idea for our spiritual vaccine is to value restoration and solitude. This is what we’re called to do. Our government in America and all over the world, they’re asking us to obey social distancing. Now, I’m supposed to be on an airplane right now heading to Denver Colorado to meet my daughter Auriana and her boyfriend Tyler and we’re looking for homes for them, they’re moving there. We had to postpone that trip and it was hard to do that because both Auriana and I are like we’re just going to go, because that’s who we are, but you know what there is an element of social responsibility. So, whilst maybe Auriana and I would be fine with traveling what would we bring back to our loved ones. It’s not okay.

So, how about you just valuing alone time restoration, staying in, and honoring our country’s mandate for this social separation. It’s called social responsibility; I’m asking you to do that without complaining and actually valuing it.

The third idea is to be light-hearted. I’ve seen a shift in a lot of my social media colleagues and friends and their posting funny things, they’re making fun of the bare shelves in the grocery store. So, it’s gone from panic to humor. What a beautiful gift humor is. So, let’s do our best to be light-hearted and I know you guys, I know how serious it is. We don’t have the privilege to keep talking about how serious it is. We need to shift the energy here and how we do that is with meditation and vision work and knowing that our words create and holding the energy of light-heartedness and well being and healing. I’m asking you, I know it’s no natural, I’m asking you to be supernatural.

When I got off of the phone with my clients this morning I had to call each one of them that are coming out to the Maui Mastermind Retreat on April 1st got postponed, we’re not going. We postponed the Maui Mindset Reset Retreat into September. Every single one of my clients are like, “Lisa, it’s going to be even better in September.” You got to love people like that. There’s no disappointment there, I’m sure there’s a little disappointment there, but they’re not sharing or milking their disappointment, they’re shifting it. They’re making conscious efforts to shift it. Be lighthearted. We know we want this or something better. So, we’re trusting that in September we have the something better. I’m supposed to be going on vacation with my husband for my birthday next week. That’s also postponed. Notice I don’t say cancelled, it’s postponed and what’s the choice there, you guys, I could be super disappointed or even angry about it or I can understand that my words, my thoughts, my feelings create. How are you doing with that?

And the fourth and final spiritual vaccine idea: The conoravirus can go viral fast, but so can kindness. Kindness, words of affirmation, just being loving to your family, to your neighbor, to a stranger, that goes viral.

So, two days ago, I went to the post office to mail a gift to my wonderful client Lilia over in Paris and as I’m standing in line to get the postage I feel anxiety and I said to myself, “Oh my gosh, I think I’m going to have a panic attack right here in the middle of Huntington Beach post office.” I don’t know why you guys, I just felt anxiety and I started to feel a panic attack. And I took a big breath and I just said, “Lisa, all is well, leave. You don’t have to push through this, just leave. It’s okay.”

So, I picked up my package and I started to walk away and I turned around and I looked at everybody there, there was probably 40-45 people there in the post office and I just said, “I love you guys, everyone here, we’re going to be okay, we’re in this together.” In the middle of having a panic attack I just shared that, and everybody you could see the faces of gratitude. The energy start to unravel, the tension being released, just from a stranger saying it’s okay you guys, we’re in this together. And I didn’t feel bold or courageous to do that, I was moving into a panic attack, but I know how to shift my energy. And you shift your energy with thoughts of well-being, your disciplined with your thoughts, you shift your energy and hold the vision of health wellness, and a planet restored by not blaming or moving into judgment. Let go of that, there’s time for that later, now’s not the time. And finally you shift the energy and create results of wholeness and well being and healing with kindness, light-heartedness, and love.

So, I wish you valuing your restoration time, your alone time, and your solitude. Thank you for honoring the mandate of social separation, and I love you, we’ll get through this, we’re in this together, and we’ll see you next week on the Build Your Belief Show.

And if you are interested in getting a free Self Coaching Texting Program, I just launched it today you guys. So, I’m going to post below the phone number to call. And you just call that phone number with the word “hello” and then I’m going to respond and move you through a process, move you through my proven formula on how to shift a mindset around this coronavirus. So, I look forward meeting you on your text messages.

Bye for now everybody, it’s Lisa Jimenez with the Build Your Belief Show.

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050: The Power of Belief (From Mr. Wrigley’s Mansion in Catalina Island)

The Power of Belief
(From Mr. Wrigley's Mansion in Catalina Island)

The Power of Belief
(From Mr. Wrigley's Mansion in Catalina Island)

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What does it look like to have an idea and to put it on paper, strategize it, and create a result?

Hey Everybody, it’s Lisa J. here and this is another edition of Build Your Belief YouTube and Podcast show.

So, I’m standing on the balcony of Mr. Wrigley’s mansion in Catalina. Wow, look at this. This house was built in I think 1928. He built this house, it’s a seven room mansion, overlooking Catalina. Of course, this didn’t exist, this industry, or any of this civilization, but he literally created the infrastructure to be able to live here and I love the history I’m learning about him, and I take great wisdom and knowledge from Mr. Wrigley. At age 9, he worked in his father’s soap company in Chicago and he came up with the idea of putting baking soda in the soap. Well that revolutionized the industry and put his company’s business on the map, as they say, and then invented gum, spearmint gum, which put his next company in his name, Mr. Wrigley, in history and created all of this and more. And then you know he owned the Chicago Cubs, so much more.

But really what I wanted to talk about to you in this edition of Build Your Belief is do you build your belief with a strategy? Do you build you belief by honoring your ideas, writing them down, creating a strategy around them?

Building your belief in you and what’s possible.

Attracting the people and the strategies that can create. I want that for you. What would it look like if you actually put that discipline into your day? So, I’m going to leave you with that thought and I want you to get a journal and start capturing your ideas and building strategy around that idea, which builds belief around that idea, which creates a result.

So, that’s our show for this week, make it a great week, we’ll see you on the next Build Your Belief Show! From Catalina, over and out!

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045: RIP Kobe Bryant and the Eight Who Lost Their Lives

RIP Kobe Bryant and the Eight Who Lost Their Lives

RIP Kobe Bryant and the Eight Who Lost Their Lives

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How do you manage the really tough things in life and death?

Hey everyone, it’s Lisa J. here and welcome to another Build Your Belief Podcast and YouTube Show.

So, on January 26th, about nine o’clock on that Sunday morning, I received a phone call from my client and he shared with me that he had walked away from a helicopter accident. Thankfully he’s okay and so is his co-pilot, but how crazy that just one hour later I would hear the news of Kobe Bryant’s helicopter that crashed and all nine people perished. It makes no sense. Why?

Why is one person spared and then the other person isn’t? And then I started thinking about his wife, Vanessa, you know, they were all over Orange County, we live in Orange County, so we often saw them at Las Brisas in Laguna Beach and I knew that they just had their fourth baby girl in June. And I can’t help but think, how?

How is she going to raise that little daughter and her other two daughters, knowing that her second oldest daughter and their daddy are gone?

How is she going to go forward and do that?

Last week I had only questions, I had no answers, and for someone that sees themselves as a thought leader, as a coach who has solutions, I was at a loss. Completely insecure on how—what show do I even have on my Build your Belief? So, you probably remember was about procrastination. So, I literally hid behind what I knew I could deliver. And you know what, that’s not okay to me anymore.

It takes courage to talk about the hard things.

It takes courage to say, “I don’t have an answer.”

“I don’t have a solution.”

And that’s where I was last week, but in that reality of just saying, “I don’t have an answer,” and accepting that I don’t have to have an answer and neither do you.

Sometimes just throwing up our hands and saying, “I just don’t get it.” Sometimes that’s enough to unify us and to tap into an insight.

So, I’m going to share that insight with you after I share a couple of realties that I noticed in these last couple of days. And the first one is, John Altobelli’s brother Tony. How amazing when he gave that speech at the Pirates’ baseball opening game day about his brother, John and John’s wife and daughter, who also died in that helicopter crash. And Tony Altobelli said, “My brother was an amazing coach and he was a college coach for 27 years,” I believe, “with lots of accolades and trophies, and just such an honorable man.” But then Tony Altobelli looked out at that 2,000 people and his 85-year-old Dad was there too, and he said, “My brother John loved opening day, so how about for the next three hours we just have fun playing baseball?” Wow. And he gave everyone there; the players and all the people watching permission to put their pain aside and just enjoy opening day.

That doesn’t make sense. How did he have the courage to be that for others? How did he have the strength to do that? I thought that was incredibly impressive.

And then I think about the legend that Kobe left behind—as I said, he was so personable here in Orange County, but also that he was the star of the Lakers for over 20 years. And that consistency of him being on that team—wow, that offered a security to the world of that consistency that we’re going to see him on that Lakers’ court for 20 years. No wonder he’s so beloved. So, let’s hold him in that light of being beloved.

Which leads me to the last thought and insight, and that is somebody on social media posted, “Hey, remember that Kobe Bryant was accused of rape back in 2003.” Why even post that? That makes no sense. But I love what somebody commented underneath that post. And he said, “You know, first Kobe Bryant, was found not guilty. Second, I don’t know if he really did it back in 2003 or not, but what I do know is two hours before Kobe got on that helicopter with his 13-year-old daughter they were in church.” Now, that just tells you the character of the man today. That he cares that he’s in church with his daughter before he gets on the helicopter to go to her basketball game.

So, you don’t have to have the answers of why, I don’t have the answers of how, but collectively just being there for each other and being in “the inquire,” we can receive some insight.

And in closing here’s the insight that I want to leave you with this week: Everyone, doesn’t matter your gender, your social economic position, whether you’re a CEO or a janitor, everyone experiences heartache, and illness, and financial struggles, and these senseless things that’s part of being human. It’s just the human condition.

I truly believe that we are spiritual beings having that human experience. And if we would just practice being in our spiritual realm even more we would find spiritual answers. We would get insight into the spiritual responses to the why, and to the how.

So, that is my wish for you my friend, that this tragedy would help you tap into your spiritual nature and be elevated by that insight of the how and the why from a spiritual perspective.

Rest in peace Kobe Brant and the other eight people on that helicopter that day, and may your spirits guide us and inspire us to become better people and to connect with our spiritual essence to be the best we can be on this planet and then beyond.

Post your comments below, what did you learn? What is the insight you have? How are you doing when you just don’t now why—how to move forward? Collectively, we can tap into that spiritual essence that you and I both have and gain the insight that’s there.

Thanks everyone!

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043: Unleash the Supernatural In You!

Unleash the Supernatural In You!

Unleash the Supernatural In You!

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Do you believe that you are a spiritual being having a human experience? Hey everyone, it’s Lisa J. here and welcome to another addition of the Build your Belief Podcast and YouTube Show. I remember the first time I heard that it was almost 30 years ago from Marianne Williamson and I was just blown away. I believe that when your spirit, your soul hears truth it leaps. And mine leaped that day. It was such a light bulb turned on and saying, “Wow, what if we came from the perspective, from the context that we’re spiritual first. Our spiritual nature is housed in this physical body.

I’ll tell you what it would look like. It would look like you were ushering in the supernatural, you were aligned with your creator and you had more peace. You had wisdom, you were an even greater contribution, you would let go of having to be right, or proving yourself. You would let go of the need to win and you would open up this beautiful heart of yours to being of service and achieving greater levels of success because you can. Because that’s your spiritual make up to evolve and grow and experience.

I know this is kind of esoteric, but stay with me, because I’m going to give you three ideas today on how you can tap into your spiritual nature and actually get evidence, see the supernatural in your life. And some of you need it. Some of you listening right now to this YouTube or this podcast show, you need a miracle, you need a financial miracle, you need a health miracle, or you know someone who does. You need a miracle in your marriage, or your relationship with your kids, you need a miracle.

So, let’s talk about the one word that we don’t want to talk about and we don’t like, and that one word is surrender.

It is in sweet surrender that you can actually access this deeper level of who you really are, in surrender.

And you know, surrender has gotten a bad wrap, hasn’t it? Surrender in our human nature and our physicality, it feels like we quit. It feels like we gave up. It feels like we lost, but my friend, it’s counter intuitive, it couldn’t be further from the truth. Surrender is your portal, surrender is how you access the supernatural.

So, let’s talk about these three ideas on how you embrace surrender. What it looks like right now in the playing field called your life.

Idea number one: Do less. You’ve got to do less. You’ve got to take your calendar and open up your calendar for time for meditation, prayer, breathing, accessing your spiritual nature, connecting with your creator, solitude, being in nature. You got to do less to have more. And that is counter intuitive to our culture. We have been sold a lie that a busy person—“Oh, she’s busy, she must be successful.” “Oh, look at him, he’s so busy and exhausted, he must be successful.”

Isn’t that crazy that in our physicality we have that believe to our core? And so if we’re doing nothing, we feel lazy. It couldn’t be further from the truth. You are doing something in that time. You are creating in that connection, in that meditation, in that being in nature, in that walking in solitude, in that focusing on your breathing. Breath. What creates the first couple of letters of birth and the last couple of letters of death? Br-eath. Breath. Breath is what you have to access that spiritual power.

Taking time to do less and focus on your breath, focus on prayer and meditation, and just training yourself, like you would train an animal to sit and just be. Just watch what happens.

I’ve heard Dr. Joe Dispenza say there is no such thing as a bad meditation, there’s no such thing as a bad time of solitude. Every time you have a meditation and you can bring your body back to sit down, you are training it, who’s in control? You’re spiritual nature is in control. I’m shooting the shots here. I’m telling you to sit down. I’m telling you just to be. I’m telling you that the world can take care of itself without you. And that training of the mind, that training of the brain literally releases, unleashes your spiritual realm.

The next idea. So, that’s do less. The next idea: Think less. Now listen, I am all for knowledge. I have a higher degree, I put all my kids in very important great ivy-league universities, I value knowledge, and so do you. But when you value knowledge over wisdom, when you value your knowledge over someone else’s wisdom, and that’s the habits we get into—“Oh I know better. I know better, so I’m not even open to hearing another point of view. I know better.” When you put more value on your knowledge instead of your wisdom, you are missing the mark, my friend, and you are closing the door to unleashing a whole new level of success, new levels of creativity, new levels of connection, new levels of contribution, new levels of results. So, stop valuing your knowledge so much and start valuing your wisdom. Think less. Into it more. Value your thought of wisdom, your capacity to just know in your spiritual nature. That’s called intuition. You into it. Another thing around knowledge and how we value knowledge over wisdom is we think we know what others are thinking, or what others are doing.

I can remember driving in the car line dropping my kids off at school and seeing a girlfriend and she didn’t wave to me and I’m like, “Oh my gosh, that’s from what I said last night. She’s mad at me.” Who cares what I said last night, the point was I made it up that she was mad at me. And I have done that so many times. Pick up a call, speak to a prospect, they said this, I made it mean that, “Oh, she’s not into it.” “He doesn’t like me. He’s judging me.” And this is all from knowledge, this is your brain that holds the capacity to think, taking over from your wisdom. And so instead of judging what somebody does and making it mean something, I went to her and said, “Oh gosh, you didn’t wave to me, did I say something to upset you?” And she said, “Lisa, I wasn’t wearing my glasses, I didn’t even see you.” And I made it mean so much.

How often are you making something mean something? You are a meaning-making machine.

Let is go. Let go of your thought, let go of your critical nature. Let go of your judgment and move into wisdom. Move into silence. Move into acceptance.

Do less, think less. And the third one is be less. Now isn’t this counter intuitive. Be less. Like when you are in the presence of another human being, be less. Let them shine. Let them share. Let them teach you. Let them speak. Even in an argument. What would it look like the next time you got an argument—I’m trying this out—the next time you get in a disagreement with your child, your spouse, a sibling, a friend, a business partner, you just stopped talking. You decreased your opinion, your thoughts, your words, your energy, and you just opened your heart to allow that other person to share, to be, to shine. And here’s what will happen, if they’re in their wisdom they will shine bright and you will learn from them, and the two of you will be better. If they are in their knowledge and their physicality, they will hang themselves. You’ve heard that saying, “Let them talk so much they’ll hang themselves.” You don’t have to prove that they’re wrong, they will prove it themselves with your silence. With you decreasing and allowing them to increase—again, if they’re in their wisdom they will shine bright, if they’re in their physicality, which we could label, “the wrong” their words will hang themselves. 

Their way of being will not prevail, because only truth prevails.

I’m up to this too, I know this is a high calling, but this conversation is about being supernatural. It is not in your nature that you will do these things. It is not natural to put someone else first and let them share and shine, and think it through, and thought it through, and speak it through, to either let themselves “hang themselves,” let their words “hang themselves,” let their logic “hang themselves,” or let their words—let them shine, let their words turn to wisdom and you both learn.

This is being supernatural. So, what will it look like then this week for you to do less, to think less, and to be less? And shift to your spiritual nature in your meditation, in your breathing, in walking in nature, in being with others and saying less, and being less, and allowing them to shine, and letting go of your thoughts and your habitual pattern of you being right and ushering in that spiritual nature of you, which is an open heart. Oh God, please open our hearts, what would it look like? I’ll tell you what it would look like in your marriage, in your relationship with your prospects and clients, and your relationship with yourself. You will tap into that portal called the spiritual and you will usher in that supernatural and the miracle is on the other end of that letting go of that surrender, of that doing, thinking, and being less.

So, we are going to talk about this again next week and see how did you do? Type your comments below and let’s hear just what you realized in doing, thinking, and being less.

And then let’s talk about last week, I asked you a very important question and that was we’re having a contest: How many asks are you creating in your day? Just picking up the phone and asking, being at a restaurant and asking for the best table. Being in line and asking for a favor. Calling a friend, loved one, and asking would you like to take a look at this? Would you like to partner with me? Would you do this? Asking for a favor, being on the receiving end of an ask.

And we actually got a winner from last week’s ask and her name is Heather. So, Heather, you know who you are, I’m going to actually send you a free copy of my book Slay the Dragon, and autographed copy, and I congratulate you Heather for stepping outside your comfort zone and for just trying this on and just asking for the sale, ask for a favor, ask for advice, ask for help, ask do you want to be my partner in business, ask do you want to purchase my product, ask do you want to enroll in my service or my coaching. Well done!

So you guys, that’s a lot today in this conversation of this supernatural, but I can’t wait to hear your results when you do less, think less, be less, and shift into your spiritual nature, you will usher in the supernatural.

Thanks everyone, make it a great week!

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039: Break Through Your Comfort Zone to the Success Zone! (With these 3 Tips)

Break Through Your Comfort Zone to the Success Zone!

Break Through Your Comfort Zone to the Success Zone!

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Boldness gets rewarded! Fortune follows the brave!

Hey everyone, it’s Lisa J. here and on this edition of the Build Your Belief show, I’m going to teach you three ideas to break through your comfort zone and move right into the success zone, the joy zone, the fulfillment zone. That zone where you know you’re living your full potential. What is that like? It’s kind of like driving a stick shift and keeping that car in third gear, you know that car has the capacity to move into fourth gear. It was designed to do so, but no, no, you don’t move into fourth gear, what happens to that vehicle? You actually cause harm to that vehicle, because it’s not doing what it was designed to do and moving into that next gear. Very similar to you and to me.

So, where in your life do you know there’s another gear in you? There’s another level and you just have some fear around it, but today’s the day. You’re going to follow these three steps and break through that comfort zone into the success zone.

But first I want to make it very clear who this message is for, because I have a lot of clients and dear friends who are dealing with some very challenging circumstances and right now, how they’re pushing through their comfort zone, is they’re giving themselves the space for healing, for introspection, solitude. And that takes courage.

So, if that’s you, then you continue your healing, because soon and very soon, my friend, you’re healing will be complete and you will be ready to move into breaking through another area of your comfort zone, which could be getting back to work, could be getting back out into the community. That time is coming.

Or maybe you’re the second level of person, where yeah, you’ve had some challenges and you’ve healed yourself. You just know you’re ready, you’re ready to get back out into life. You’re ready to move past that pain and you’re ready to get back into the game of business and engagement, and breaking through your comfort zone.

Or maybe you’re the third type of person who, you’ve created a lot of success and you’re quite comfortable, and you’re rusting on your laurels. That was me, I was in that situation. And I’m like, “I know there’s another gear in me, but wow, it’s kind of nice just to rest here.”

But then what happens when you know you’re vehicle, yourself, is ready to get into fourth gear and you’re staying in third, you’re actually hurting yourself. Maybe that’s why you’ve been depressed. Maybe that’s why you’re angry. Maybe that’s why you’ve been short-tempered.

So, today’s the day to learn these three steps to break through that comfort zone and get to that next level.

Idea number one, tell the truth. Look at your business, look at your revenue, look at your profit, look at your engagement, look at your personal life, look at your marriage or your relationship. Where do you need to ask or make a request for what you need? Where do you need to tell the truth? Where do you need to clean up an unsaid mistake or an unclear forgiveness? Maybe you’re bold move is, you got to write that down and you’re ready to have that conversation. You’re ready to tell the truth. You’re ready to say, “Okay, that it what I created in my business or in my life and I’m ready to clean it up. I’m ready to go to the next level.”

So, step number one is tell the truth, and be authentic about what you really want and what’s really going on in your personal life and your business life.

Step number two in breaking through your comfort zone is start fantasizing, visualizing that problem resolved. That marriage, more intimate. That friendship, forgiven. Those sales, coming in. That bottom line, advancing. That goal, achieved, accomplished. So, step number 2 is start visualizing even fantasizing, milking it, allowing yourself, your body to feel chemistry viscerally what it feels like to succeed. To evolve, to be forgiven, to have forgiveness, to move into the next level. Start fantasizing.

Everything is created twice, my friend. First, in the mind and then in the physical realm.

So, many of you are thinking of things that aren’t serving you and that’s what you’re getting more of. So, in step number two, is about being disciplined with your thoughts and your vision, and even your fantasy life. And that fantasy and I use that word powerfully, it is a fantasy, you milk it. What does that feel like to go to your children and to share Mom did this? Because Dad did this, we get to do this. What does it feel like to have your own kids respect you and admire your courage and your valor? What does it feel like to have your up-line call you and announce that you won the contest, you’re going on that trip. What does that feel like? What does that look like?

You got to create that first in the mind through your imagination and then it gets created in the physical realm.

And then step number three of breaking through your comfort zone is, after you’ve done those first two steps I promise you will get an inspired action. I call them God winks. I call them nudges. You will get a nudge, you will get a God wink. You will get an opportunity.

It’s an inspired action, you must obey it, quickly. Success loves speed.

So when you get an idea, “I should cal that person,” you call that person immediately. When you have a nudge to send an email, you send an email. When you have an intuition to sit right there on the subway, you sit down right there. You obey these inspired actions. When you have a thought to ask for that sale, even though your knees are shaking, and you’re going to call that person and say, “I’ve thought of you. This is for you and here’s why I think that.” And they say yes they’re going to enroll in your company, they’re going to come to your event, they’re going to buy your product, service, or book.

You need to obey these inspired actions. And may I say this is where the rubber meets the road, because you are getting these inspired actions all the time. And too often you’re closing your heart to them. But when you open your heart to them and you obey them, similarly to a navigation system. That first direction is given and when you do that direction, “you make a left at the next signal.” Then the second step is given, but you don’t get that second step until you compete, obey and then compete the first step. Similar to life.

So, how are you doing with this? I want to hear from you, so post below, what are your thoughts, what are your lines of demarcations, what are you going to do now from this three step process? And then what are your results, what have you noticed in how you’re showing up in the world, how you move in the world, what you’re receiving as results, how you’re feeling about yourself? That you are a man of conviction. You are a woman that’s decisive. You say yes to opportunities. You enroll in that program. You hire that coach. You buy that book. You clean up that un-forgiveness. You create in this planet.

What does that feel like to be a force of completion? Moving forward in life, breaking through your comfort zone and moving into the success zone, the joy zone, the fulfillment zone. What does that feel like? Really milk that, because that will give you the energy, and retrain the brain, and inspire your subconscious mind to do it again, and again, and again. I want that for you.

So, what decision is over you right now, that you’re saying, “I’m not sure…” Just say YES!

What conversation do you know you need to have and you’re scared? You have a lot of fear around making that phone call. Just say yes, make the phone call. Trust that you’re going to know what to say.

What area of forgiveness do you need to ask of that person, and you haven’t done it? This is your nudge, obey the nudge, watch the reward that comes. Trust that that reward comes. And then you continue to evolve in being this person who’s decisive, who says yes, who creates, who moves powerfully in the world. No better example for our kids, you guys, I want that for your kids, your grandkids.

So, that’s my message today. Three ideas on how to break through your comfort zone. And please post below, I want to hear how you thought about this message and what your results were from it. Make it a great rest of the day. Bye for now!

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038: How to Overcome Holiday Anxiety and Shift Your Mindset

How to Overcome Holiday Anxiety and Shift Your Mindset

How to Overcome Holiday Anxiety and Shift Your Mindset

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Hey everyone, it’s Lisa J. here and welcome to another Build Your Belief show! It is officially the Christmas season! It is a beautiful time of year and I want to give you three ideas to help you create an even more intentional Christmas season, because too often you and I struggle with past memories. We struggle with a bad mindset from past memories and today’s the day and this is the year that you can radically transform your Christmas season with these three ideas.

Idea Number 1: I want you to be even more intentional in the feelings that you want to feel this season. Here’s what I mean by that, when you’re going Christmas shopping—well I do everything online, but when you go Christmas shopping as I’m going today for my mom, I’m creating the intention that I’m going to be friendly, kind-hearted, of-service, so that when I show up at JC Penney’s at the Chico mall maybe I let somebody go in front of me.

I am so aligned to just enjoying this time with my mom today. And I’m very aligned with the intention that I want to feel of finding the perfect gift, the perfect gift, and how do I find the perfect gift? It happens all the time for me. It’s just I get a sense of a feeling of how I want that person to feel when they open that gift. So, it’s really not about the gift it’s the feeling behind the gift. A better word for feeling is it’s the intention behind that gift. And I know this sound kind of esoteric, but it works! And when you can create a mindset that you are very intentional in your way of being before you go out and do your Christmas shopping, before you go visit a friend for the holiday season, before you do anything this season.

Watch your behaviors, watch your intention, how you do one thing is how you everything.

So, when you have the mindset that this is challenging, or that this is tough, and it’s going to be a struggle, and “Oh, I got to get the kids at the mall”—I remember, I know those days—then that’s what you’re going to create.

I want to give you a new way of being this year and that is to be intentional with your ideal way of being.

So, create it before you step in that mall, before you put those kids in their car seat, decide who you want to be today. What kind of mom, what kind of friend, what kind of daughter, what kind of sister, what kind of contribution to some strangers. And just watch how aligned you get with the perfect gift, with a sweet feeling, with a connection, with your parent, or your loved one, or your children, or a stranger.

So that’s idea Number 1, is be more intentional. If you are not intentional and you’re creating your day and who you’re being today in this Christmas season, you’re relying on your past memories. And those past memories suck. Some of them are creating a way of being that no longer serves you and you want to be different, so you got to create how you’re going to be to be different. So idea Number 1 is be intentional with your way of being and the feelings the emotions you want to feel and share.

Idea Number 2: be quiet. Just be quiet. I’m really working on this one. Just talk less, listen more. Say less, be open more. Stop being so opinionated, and you’re right, and having the mindset of you’re right, he’s wrong. And just show up as a generous listener. So step Number 2 is say less, be quiet, even be quiet in your mornings and just have some time to just be with yourself in this beautiful season, which is a season to celebrate birth, rebirth, connection, love, restoration.

And the third idea, I love this idea the most, it’s lighten up. Lighten up in everyway. So, stop putting so much requirement on yourself, your kids, how it’s supposed to look. Sometimes the foibles and mistakes at a Christmas party or your Christmas card—those are the best cards, that’s the best moment of your Christmas party. It’s the mistakes, it’s the foibles. So lighten up, usher in an incredible sense of humor. I always say, “Oops, there it is!” And I can really bring in a light spirit about the holiday time and the holiday season. And another part of lighten up is lighten up, like really go all out, do some fun things. Maybe you don’t like to go to parties. This season you’re going to go, “You know what, I’m going. I’m going to that white elephant exchange. I’m going. I’m going to play full out this Christmas season. I’m lightening up.”

So, lighten up in your way of being, but also light up, decorate. Maybe you’ve had a chip on your shoulder and it’s time to forgive yourself and whomever you need to forgive. And lighten up, It’s the Christmas season. So, go celebrate, go have some fun, do things that you don’t usually do. And don’t just stand there at that Christmas party, make conversation, get to know people, enjoy yourself and others, and enjoy who you can be this Christmas season.

And that is my Build Your Belief podcast show for you this week. Three ideas: be intentional, what’s the feeling you’re looking for and who you’re being. Number 2: be quiet, just say less, listen more. Number 3: lighten up. Lighten up in your sense of humor, lighten up in your expectations, and then lighten up, like go have some fun!

So, I’m going out and having some fun with my mom today in JC Penney’s at the Chico mall.

Bye everyone, make it a great Christmas week!                 

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032: Breakthrough a Negative Loop and Train Your Brain For Success!

Breakthrough a Negative Loop and Train Your Brain For Success!

Breakthrough a Negative Loop and Train Your Brain For Success!

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Hey guys, it’s Lisa J. here! So, I’m going to give you a simple technique today that you can apply to actually expand your experience of you. And we all know how powerful that can be when we expand our experience of who we are as spiritual beings, as actually evolving in our human condition, wow, we can usher in greater levels of joy, fulfillment, and success.

So the technique today that I want to teach you is actually in a question. It’s one simple question that you can ask yourself every single day and that question is, how good will I let it get? 

How good will I let it get? Now that question actually implies that your life is already good. 

So, this retrained your brain, if you’re in that negative loop thinking that something’s not working for you or your life is limited or your business is stuck or fill in the blank. If you’re in that area, you got to break through that negative loop and often that negative loop is a habitual pattern and so how you shift that negative loop is with that powerful question to trick your brain to think that things are really good for you right now. And that question again is, how good will I let it get?

The other aspect that that question ushers in, is if you are in the zone and life is just working for you, often we have, in our own human limitation, we put limits on our life if we’re in the zone and creating great things. I can remember one time I was just in the zone and I was speaking in a conference in Orlando and I remember driving to that convention thinking to myself, “Things happen in threes.” I don’t know why I even said that to myself and there had been three great things that happened. So, I was actually conjuring up in my imagination that the other shoe was going to drop or something bad was about to happen because I was in this groove of great things happening.

Isn’t that crazy?

Well, I think that we do that all the time with our own limits and our own experiences of are things happening, are things too good? So, let’s usher in that question today. No matter where you’re at, whether you’re in the zone creating awesomeness or you’re feeling a little limited or stuck.

Usher in the question of how good will I let it get? And just watch your experience of yourself, your connection with your higher power, that you were born to be blessed, your ability to receive great things, your alignment and that you’re in the zone.

How good will I let it get? Usher in that question today and as always post below. Try that question out and let’s just see what you start thinking, what you start feeling, you’re evolving experiences of yourself. I want to hear how that helped you. So, how good will you let it get?

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030: Breakthrough The 5 Core Beliefs That Hold You Back! (Part 2)

Breakthrough The 5 Core Beliefs That Hold You Back!
(Part 2)

Breakthrough The 5 Core Beliefs That Hold You Back!
(Part 2)

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Hey everyone, it’s Lisa J. here and welcome to another Build Your Belief show! This show is actually Part 2 of a two part series I entitled, “Breaking Through The 5 Core Beliefs That Hold You Back.”

Yeah, I believe universally we have 5 core beliefs that we learn in childhood and then adopt them into adulthood and they’re there for you to help you survive in the physical world. But when you take on a spiritual perspective, when you start acknowledging that you are a spiritual being as well as a physical being these 5 core beliefs, they’re not true. They’re not even true in the spiritual realm. So I talked about belief one and two in Part 1 of this series. Today, we’re going to talk about the last three.

So belief number three is, “I don’t fit in.” Of course you feel like you don’t fit in. If you came from a spiritual realm into a physical world called planet Earth with laws and physicality to you, you’re not pure possibility in your physical nature, wow, no wonder you feel like you don’t fit in. But that’s not so empowering is it? So, I’ve actually retrained my brain around this core belief, “I don’t fit in,” to say, “I may feel like I don’t fit in, but my core gifts, my natural talents, my whimsical ways, my passions, they fit in to cause balance on this planet. If I was behaving like her or acting like him, or wanting their goals, I wouldn’t be authentic. And my authenticity creates balance on this planet. So I fit in. My whimsical nature fits in.

Your passion, your core talents, your natural gifts, they fit in to create balance on this planet.

The fourth core belief is, “I’m not enough, there’s not enough.” But when you take on a spiritual perspective and you tap into your innate spiritual nature, you know, you feel, you get it. There’s enough, there’s more than enough. You are the child of the King who has access to all abundance, infinite possibility. You are more than enough. Isn’t it interesting too that, the not-enough syndrome is just rampant over most people. My clients, myself included.

And when you practice being in your spiritual essence and focus on your spiritual realm, who you are as a spiritual being and what that means, you start seeing, “Wow, I’m infinite possibility, I’m more than enough. I have access to abundance and prosperity, and unlimited potential.”

You are more than enough. There is more than enough. Their success they’re creating love, whatever they’re doing out there doesn’t mean it takes away from you experiencing love or creating success. It’s proof that it can exist. There’s more than enough. There’s more than enough to go around. Tap into that reality, that truth in your spiritual realm.

And then the fifth and final core belief is, “I don’t have the capacity to change, I can’t change, this is how I am.”

“I’m Latina, I’m Irish, I’m a woman.” Whatever is your core belief that holds you back about you’re ability to change.

When you take on those first 4 core beliefs you see, “Wow, there’s nothing wrong here. I’m learning and growing and expanding, and that’s what I’m meant to do. I am the center of my universe. I am creating it all. Everything’s a magnet. I have control over my thoughts and feelings. I can choose one thought or feeling over another.”

You can see, “I can change. I have access to unlimited possibility. I have the capacity to change. In fact, that’s my nature is to evolve in change.”

So, while you learn these 5 core beliefs for survival, what would your life look like when you choose to take on a spiritual perspective and you see these 5 core beliefs from your spiritual nature?

That there’s nothing wrong here. You’re the center of your universe. You’re creating it all. You fit in. Your core beliefs and desires and passions create balance on this planet. There’s more than enough. You are more than enough. And you have the capacity to change. That’s who you are. You evolve every moment. You’re recreating your cells, tens of millions of cells every second, because tens of millions of cells are dying off. You’re recreating yourself at every moment. Of course you can change.

So, what would it look like for you to practice these 5 core spiritual beliefs?

Take that on this week and we’ll talk again next week. Make it a great day, bye for now everybody!

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