001: The Power of Zero Point Energy
The Power of
Zero Point Energy
- 001
- | Build Your Belief
The Power of
Zero Point Energy
I just got off the phone with a new friend here in Newport Beach who has recently sold everything. Yep, he decided to sell all the homes he owned, his cars, and his wardrobe. He’s creating what I call “Zero Point Energy.”
In my research, you guys know that I’m on a quest of researching what creates breakthroughs. How does the human mind and the human potential grow and expand to its highest level? I believe it’s by creating breakthroughs.
One of the steps of that breakthrough, I am sure is, creating Zero Point Energy or getting preset to Zero Point Energy. What is that? It’s when you have nothing. If you have a label that you are a doctor, a teacher, or you’re a father, then you have certain expectations and ways of being for that label.
When you create no label, you don’t know who you are. It may be an insecure place, but it’s a very powerful place, isn’t it? When you have nothing, you have everything.
So maybe you’ve lost something. You’ve lost a marriage, money, you’ve lost your financial savings, or you’ve lost a specific way of being. Whether it was by you choosing to cause that space of nothing, or it got created for you.
You are in the space of Zero Point Energy. I know that might be an insecure feeling. But that’s the most powerful space to be when you’re causing the new level of expansion for yourself.
Zero Point Energy, there are two ways to get into Zero Point Energy.
Number one, it’s done for you. Happened to me about 10 years ago. When my high school sweetheart, who was my husband at the time, came home and shared with me that he no longer wanted to be married to me anymore. Over the course of several months, we separated and then divorced.
Going through that heartbreak was so gut-wrenching painful because I had attached so much value to the label of Lisa Jimenez, the wife, if I’m not married, who am I?
In that space of not knowing, the Rich Life Mastermind Retreats got created. I was very present 10 years ago to my highest values and what turns me on and what lights me up. It’s all around luxury and contribution, making a difference, creating breakthroughs for others, service, and helping people transform their limitations through breakthrough, sabotage, and conquering fear. I’ve written books about it.
Everything in that realm of the core of who I am, was able to be expressed in brand new levels because I didn’t have any labels or expectations of myself. I was literally nothing. In that space of nothingness, something amazing got created.
That was the first time that I created Zero Point Energy. It got created for me and heartache. The second time, six months ago, as most of you guys know, I was in Newport Beach, California, working with a client and my realtor called me and said, “Lisa, your house sold and it’s a cash deal; it’s more than you asked, the only stipulation is they want you out in three weeks.” They wanted to move in before Christmas.
Three weeks? I was just going on a book tour. I just launched “Slay the Dragon” and I was actually driving the car that Richard Brook gifted me and the Company Life Matters tour. I was driving from California to Florida, so I had to cancel that book tour, I had to cancel my last Life Matters tour, and I left my car parked in California.
As soon as I got that call that the house in Florida had sold, my client said: “Lisa, you’ve always talked about living in Newport Beach and maybe this is God giving you your desire on a platter.”
After I literally freaked out, because I did for the first 10 minutes after I got that phone call, I pulled myself together, picked up the phone and I called a realtor. Within two hours, I found the place that I live in right now. That realtor was just like serendipity. It was just a blessing that this place was available. It was available on December 18, which was perfect timing for me to move out of my Florida home, sell all my belongings, and I even sold my wardrobe.
I got on a plane, flew to Newport Beach and launched a new life for me here. A whole new version of Lisa Jimenez 2.0 but I think it’s kind of like Lisa Jimenez 10.0. I created that Zero Point Energy by choice.
So, what about you? I know you’ve had circumstances in your life where you were so shocked and dismayed. Maybe it was a health challenge and the news wasn’t good. Maybe it was a divorce. Maybe it was bankruptcy or financial challenges that left you broken, so broken, like I was 10 years ago that you were at Zero Point Energy. You knew nothing? What do you know? I don’t know. I know nothing. Who are you? I don’t know. Who am I?
Maybe you’re there right now, but that’s a good place to be my friend.
Because you are in the space of a powerful truth. That is, when you have nothing, you have everything. That’s Zero Point Energy. Miracles occur in Zero Point Energy. You get to create exactly what you want for yourself. What your future self is calling you to.
Maybe you aren’t in that space right now, but you want to create that space. I believe you can, I believe it doesn’t take a dramatic circumstance to put yourself into Zero Point Energy. I believe you can do that now with a choice. So, what is that choice for you?
What do you want to let go of? Maybe you want to let go of a label you call yourself? A nurse, a mother, a father, a teacher. That label is empowering for you, but it’s also limiting for you.
Maybe you know something? You know it to be true and you have so much clarity around that truth, but in that knowing, you’re limiting yourself to a whole new level of expansion or evolution. So, let go of that truth. Let go of that knowing. Let go of that title.
Maybe it’s a wardrobe and you think that wardrobe is awesome, but it limits you. What if you sold everything you owned like my friend Roger just did and you could start with a wardrobe?
I mean Lily, another client of mine did this about five years ago. She was amazed at what opened up for her. People were calling her and saying, “I don’t know why I’m calling you but I’m getting rid of all my shoes you want to come over? What size are you? Seven and a half, that’s my size. Come on over, you can have all my shoes” (literally that happened to her).
Another friend called her, “Hey Lily, I don’t know why I’m calling you but we’re moving, and I have all these coats and winter clothes. I don’t need them anymore. What size are you? Do you want to come over you? You can have them all.”
Those two things happened to her right after she caused Zero Point Energy by getting rid of all of her clothes. She just gave them all away and created a void. She created a space for herself.
Maybe you want to sell your home like Roger did and create the space of Zero Point Energy. What are you going to create in that space? You don’t know. You don’t have to know. You’re just present to the best possible circumstance for you. The best possibility for you.
I know this sounds scary but it happens. It’s going to happen to you anyways, by circumstances in life. Why not create it for yourself?
You know, it’s June, it’s the opening of summer. This is in fact, the very first week of summer. What could you create for yourself this week? Launching into summer you could create a void, create a space, create Zero Point Energy. Let go of a label, sell your things, let go of your wardrobe, let go of a thought or a label that you have over yourself. Place yourself in that powerful void. That powerful space of Zero Point Energy. Let’s see what gets created.
I believe in you. It’s a powerful place to be in the unknown. What do you know? I don’t know. I don’t know what I know. What do you think to be true? I’m not sure what’s true. I don’t know what’s true. I’m in search of what’s true. I’m in search of my next level. Take the risk. It’s a risk well taken because it will create a whole new version of you.
Love you guys.
Make it a great day.