Mindset Reset
Mastermind Retreats


Mastermind Retreats


What would your life look like if you could:

  • Dissolve hidden barriers and Free Yourself from Self-Sabotage
  • Crush self doubt and Become Unstoppable
  • Let go of resistance and Do Less to Have More
  • Craft a compelling vision and Jump Out of Bed with Renewed Passion
  • Harness the power of your mind and Create Your Life Instead of Reacting to It
  • Manage your emotions and energy and Watch The World Transform Around You
  • Grow your income and impact and Make a Unique Contribution to the World
  • Shift your unconscious beliefs and Re-create Yourself

And what if you could master these skills over an in a luxurious setting sure to inspire?

“The Mindset Reset Mastermind Retreat helped me align my mindset with the big vision I had as an artist, which has allowed me to sell my art internationally with two monumental sculptures standing tall in Israel. Lisa’s Mindset Reset FormulaTM has become a skillset I use daily. It’s now easy to notice the mind’s tricks, and I can now shift and shift again.”

— Jeanne Kidd, International Artist and Author

If you’re like most of my clients, you know there’s another gear in you. You feel ready to live at that next level- but you also feel frustrated and burnt out from the global “punch to the gut” we’ve all experienced. 

If that sounds familiar… then you need a

Mindset Reset


The Mindset Reset Mastermind Retreat is your opportunity to create a radical transformation in your business and life!

The thing is, you can only achieve what you believe you can handle. That’s right-your success is capped by your self-view. Now, don’t let that discourage you. All it means is that for your business to grow, you must grow. So, invest in yourself! Put your time, money, and effort into your development, and you will see dividends stack up across all areas of your life.

It’s the best investment you can make.

“Re-create Yourself and Your Life

With a Mindset Reset that will help you bust through barriers, unleash your inner wisdom, reignite your passion, and program your subconscious mind to create quantum leaps in your productivity and results.”

I know that to be true. That’s why for two decades, I’ve been taking entrepreneurs, C-suite executives, and philanthropists to iconic locations around the globe for my Mastermind Retreats. We’ve been to Paris, Prague, Sydney, Bangkok, Vienna, and many other breathtaking destinations.

Graduates of the Mindset Reset Mastermind Retreats have become influencers in their industries, published bestselling books, radically increased their income, and taken their companies and foundations global.

“The Mindset Reset Mastermind Retreat helped me realize how much I was sabotaging myself. Lisa’s MindShiftTM Games helped me reprogram my limiting beliefs and changed the way I showed up in my business and life. My sales improved, and I even met my soulmate—and married him!”

— Anneli Cedermark, Owner of C City Tours of Stockholm

The mission is simple, yet profound:

Teach people the Mindset Reset FormulaTM in a prosperous setting that inspires them to transform their self-view, retrain the brain, and create the mindset they need to achieve greater levels of success with ease and velocity.

And that is exactly what we will be doing at the…

Bali, Indonesia
Mindset Reset Mastermind Retreat

May 1st - 7th, 2024

Pura ulun danu bratan temple in Bali, indonesia
Bali, Indonesia, Traveler on Tree House at Diamond Beach in Nusa Penida Island

Four months of mindset coaching and seven magical days in Bali to master the retrain your brain, and create the life you love!

Have Questions? Email

Just Imagine This…

Hindu temple in Bali

Welcome to Bali!

You’ve dreamed of seeing this part of the world your whole life, and here you are! As you approach the beautiful Villa Selat, Bali embraces you in its tropical air and lush green scenery. So much abundance grows effortlessly here, and you are ready to grow, too. You enter Villa Selat and are greeted by joyful staff who have prepared every detail of your week of wellness just for you. Lisa J. welcomes you to your retreat with a special gift; it won’t be the last surprise you receive in this week of prosperity.

You retire to your room, a gorgeous Balinese style suite with elegant touches of this rich culture. The foliage comes right up to your windows, and you feel the nurturing hand of Mother Nature in this place. You wake the next morning with a sense of peaceful freedom. With all meals included and prepared right on site, you have nothing to do, nothing to plan, nothing to worry about. 

Villa Selat Suite

You spend your first day in Bali on your own time and your own terms. Maybe you hike through the breathtaking terrain or take advantage of one of the classes in Villa Selat’s yoga shala. Maybe you enjoy a complimentary massage or a dip in the pool. Or maybe you simply rest, savoring your surroundings and preparing for the amazing transformation you feel just around the corner.

When You Arrive...

The first day at The Bali Indonesia Mindset Reset Mastermind Retreat culminates in a Welcome Dinner with your fellow Masterminders. After three months of virtual group coaching, you are thrilled to see them in person. These people have become your community, and you sense that you’re sharing something sacred together. Like all food prepared for you this week, the Welcome Dinner shines with the bright colors of local tropical ingredients. The food is fresh, light, and delicious. As you enjoy the balmy breeze through the dining room’s open windows, you realize that Bali is already nurturing you from within and without.

Diamond beach with blue ocean and scenic coastline with rocks and mountain in Nusa Penida

The Mastermind Begins!

You wake to an optional sunrise yoga class and delicious breakfast spread, then head to the Mastermind Suite for the first session. This will be your office for the next seven days, and your dream life is the project this team will build. You spend the morning immersed in the Mindset Reset FormulaTM, and you can see the reality of your vision just around the corner. When it’s your turn for the hot seat, the group channels the power of the Mastermind into strategizing for your business and life goals. Your partners see possibilities that hadn’t even occurred to you, and Lisa coaches you through the blind spots and limiting programming that has sabotaged your dream and kept your vision small. You finish your session with an even bigger vision, a clear plan to execute it, and a team of supporters who are as on fire for your success as you are.

After another delicious and healthy lunch, Lisa takes you on an exciting Balinese adventure. The activities are different every day, but each one is designed to expand your self-view and build your belief in abundance. You will hike through breathtaking waterfalls, open your chakras with conscious yoga practice, take part in a sacred water blessing ceremony, immerse yourself in local flora and fauna, and learn about Bali’s rich cultural traditions. This is your magical week of whole-self wellness, and you jump in head first. Expect to be equal parts pampered and challenged as you practice being the version of yourself you’ve always wanted to be.

Each day of the Bali Mindset Reset Mastermind Retreat, that practice gets easier. You find yourself shifting your mindset effortlessly as you apply the Mindset Reset FormulaTM throughout your Balinese experience. After seven days of total immersion in your vision, you are a Mindset Reset expert. You approach your Grand Finale Night embodying your new best self. A last celebration and exercise shows you how to access this version of you whenever and wherever you are. You end the retreat at a celebratory dinner with your new friends in the local town of Ubud, reveling in the truth that your ideal life has become inevitable.

As you board your flight home the next morning, you can’t wait to bring your new reality to life.

You’re fired up about the exciting things to come in your business and personal life. You have a clear vision of what you want, an actionable plan of how to get there, and absolute conviction that you can live into that future – starting right now. You’ve already started to see opportunities and coincidences pop up. 

You’re starting to realize that life with the Mindset Reset FormulaTM is easy, and you’re good at it.

Life will never be the same, because you will never be the same.

And then… We launch into the next phase of our Mindset Reset Coaching Program to ensure your success!

Hear from past attendees...

“We’ve all bonded and we’re having so much fun!”

~Julie Green

“Everyone is so interesting and supportive of each other!”

~Mark Weston

“The transformation was beyond what I expected!”

~Jeanne Kidd

The Bali Mindset Reset Mastermind Retreat Includes:

  • Four Month Coaching Package: (16 Weekly Group Calls & 16 Weekly Private Calls)
  • 7 Day / 6 Night Accommodation at Villa Selat (May 1 – 7, 2024)
  • Meal Package:
    • Full Breakfasts (6)
    • Lunches (6)
    • Dinners (6)
    • Snacks and Beverages
  • Daily Activities (5)
  • Mastermind Sessions
  • Welcome Gift Package
  • 21 Page Questionnaire & Analysis
  • Mindset Reset Book and Journal
  • Gifts, Surprises, and Delights Each Day in Bali!

Invest in your .

Choose your Investment Level & Join Us in Bali!

Single Suite Villa Selat BaliSundara Suite – Private Room

Total Investment:  $15,997   $13,998 

~ 6 Payments of $2,333

The only “Balinese” Style Suite With One Queen Size Bed and a Chinese Style Daybed. Private outside shower and bathtub!

Shared Suite at Villa Selat BaliSattva Suites – Shared Room/ Separate Beds

Total Investment: $13,997   $11,994 

~ 6 Payments of $1,999

Large Suite With Two Hand-Made Balinese Style Queen Beds With a Dressing Room and Large Bathroom. *NOTE: You will be sharing the suite with another woman attending the retreat.

Couples Suite at Villa Selat BaliBhavana Suite – Couples Suite

Total Investment: $20,997 $18,998 

~ 6 Payments of $3,166

Large Suite With King Size Bed, Dressing Room Area, and Large Bathroom. We call this our honeymoon suite.

Invest seven days and four months in yourself and your business…

Seven days immersed in the Mindset Reset Formula™ surrounded by the beauty, culture, and prosperity of Bali. Four months of group and private mindset coaching to ensure you’ll stay on track for a radical transformation in your business and life.

I can’t wait to see what happens next for you!

– Lisa J.

The Mastermind Retreats Consist Of


A Radical Shift In Your Mindset


A Radical Shift In Your Mindset


A Radical Shift In Your Mindset

Through an extensive questionnaire and personal coaching, you’ll identify the barriers, hidden fears, and limiting beliefs that hold you back. You’ll master the strategies to break through these barriers and completely shift your mindset. From the second you step off the airplane you’ll be immersed in prosperity and into the luxurious experience awaiting you.

You’ll dine in the finest restaurants on the most delectable food prepared just for you by award-winning chefs. This royal treatment is mandatory to set the stage for the work we’ll be doing. I know first hand how vital environment and atmosphere are to transformation. I’ve been all over the world traveling first class and realize…

         There’s something about being willing to go all out… that reminds you of just how big and abundant life can be!

I guarantee that after you attend a Mindset Reset Mastermind Retreat you will believe that you are worthy, equipped, and ready for your next level of success.

Many of my participants say they've transformed so much they don’t even

Matt, a participant in the Prague retreat, shared with me that his family and friends noticed a change in him immediately. They said he was more focused, fierce, and dedicated to creating wealth and seemed to attract the opportunities that made it happen.

Linda, an International artist who attended the Maui and Paris Retreats emailed me recently and shared, “I don’t recognize myself! I am so much more confident in my abilities and know without doubt I deserve the major contracts that are coming to me.”

Danny, who is building a huge network marketing business returned from the retreat and instantly made the changes with his work and home environment that needed to be made to increase his business. In just over 14 days he jumped up a pin level and is now Executive Director.

The transformation is powerful. The stories are inspiring. And lives are forever changed because they now have the mindset that creates wealth. It’s as simple as that. And creating that mindset is exactly what happens at The Mastermind Retreat and Coaching Program. With such a rich and creative environment you will be poised and ready to create the strategy for your dream business and life. 

And that’s the next element of the retreat…


The Power of the Mastermind


The Power Of The Mastermind


The Power Of The Mastermind

Every morning, after we enjoy a delicious breakfast, we’ll gather around a boardroom table or an inspiring location and let the power of the mastermind take affect. We’ll be sharing ideas and enhancing them. Asking what’s possible and discovering it. Creating business plans and then re-creating them to work even better.

The synergy is powerful! The ideas are abundant! And the results are lucrative!

You will connect with other success-minded executives and entrepreneurs and enjoy building friendships that will last a lifetime. During your mastermind session, all eyes and ears will be on you. Together we’ll help you create a business strategy to manifest your Big Dream and create a life you love.

Just imagine how it will feel to share your ideas, goals, and dreams with a group of like-minded people who are all there supporting you, challenging you, and helping you design your ideal business plan to perfection. The synergy in the room is electrifying as million dollar ideas are created and shared! And those ideas are exactly what you need to take your business and life to the next level.

After our mastermind session, we’ll enjoy a healthy lunch together as we continue to share and tweak our ideas. You’ll create such a strong connection with your fellow retreat teammates. Many of my retreat participants have shared databases, referred each other, and even connected each other with prospective clients who will buy their product or service.

The afternoons are for the life-changing excursions. These are special events created with the intention to help you break through your comfort zone, build belief, tap into your creativity, expand your mindset, and create connection with your mastermind teammates.

At the close of every evening, you’ll open the door to your hotel room and be delighted with a special gift selected just for you. You will feel prosperous as you lay your head on the pillow, knowing you are just beginning to live your ideal life.

Through the power of the mastermind, engaging excursions, and five star royal treatment, the Mindset Reset Mastermind Retreat will give you the type of experience you need to break through to your prosperous and abundant life.

That’s not all… The final element of the retreat is the accountability coaching program. This is a vital aspect to keep you focused and on target to achieving your goals.


The Accountability and Coaching Program


The Accountability & Coaching Program


The Accountability & Coaching Program

With your Mindset Reset Mastermind Retreat enrollment, you get four months of weekly group coaching with your mastermind teammates (total of 16 group calls) and one private coaching call per week (total of 16 private calls). 

Through these group and private coaching webinars, you will build the inspiration and accountability you need to stay on track and achieve your goals. Again, my commitment to you is to give you the accountability and coaching that ensures you’re making the efforts and maintaining focus to achieve what you want.

The 3 elements of the Mindset Reset Mastermind Retreat ensure you will get results!

Whether you want to grow an existing business or start a whole new one, The Mindset Reset Mastermind Retreat and Coaching Program will be the most important part of your achievement. Here’s what some of the participants of the Mastermind Retreats have to say:

So... What About

   Are you ready to take action on your business and create your ideal life in the Mindset Reset Mastermind Retreat and Coaching Program?

If this type of experience and coaching is what you’re looking for, then get registered right away! I keep these groups small and intimate to ensure everyone gets lots of time to share and create.

I am committed to your success. And I know I can produce for you. I’ve watched my clients grow their monthly checks to $100,000 and more. I’ve celebrated with them as we get their book published and begin making money while they sleep! I’ve been a part of bringing an idea on paper to a lucrative and profitable business. And let me tell you, it’s exciting! I am thrilled to be a coach and help people make more money, grow their business, and be great contributors to the planet. Again, I am committed.

Now, the question is, are you?

The investment for you to participate in a Mindset Reset Mastermind Retreat and Coaching Program is time, self, and money.

First, you need to have at least 3 hours a week to work with me and the mastermind group. On location, you’ve got to give your all in the mastermind sessions and fabulous excursions (take vitamins… you’re working with Lisa J!)

Second, you must have an “Anything is possible!” mentality on the mastermind calls and at the Mastermind Retreat. You must be “coachable” and willing to complete homework on time. Get ready to be extraordinary-and I mean EXTRAORDINARY-and unreasonable with yourself!

Third, you need to invest the USD cost of the the room you chose and complete the six monthly payments. You will receive your questionnaire and needs analysis and a phone call from me to set up your private coaching sessions (This Mastermind Retreat includes four months of Mindset Reset coaching). Then, you will begin coaching on a weekly basis with your mastermind teammates and privately with me.

If this type of coaching is what you’re ready for, REGISTER TODAY! You’ll master the formula you need to take your business and life to a whole new level.

For seven extraordinary days, you’ll be completely immersed in abundance and prosperity. You’ll love the exquisite culinary experiences and mind-expanding excursions that will delight and inspire you! You’ll open your mind to all that’s possible for you in your business and life and get the coaching you need in order to create it. 

And that’s just the Mastermind Retreat… 

Along with this experience you also get a 4-month membership to the Mindset Reset Coaching Program. You’ll be inspired with stimulating conversation with your Mastermind participants from all over the world…

It’s Time To Create the Mindset You Need To Inspire Action and Achieve Your Goals in Business and Life!
