018: Stop Limiting Yourself and Start Living Large!

Stop Limiting Yourself and Start Living Large!

Stop Limiting Yourself and Start Living Large!

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Hey guys! It’s Lisa Jimenez here! I’m going to shake it up a little bit today and talk about just a couple of stories that I’ve experienced in my life that have really shaken life up.

With the hopes that I give you permission to think bigger and to expand what’s possible. To be wild and unreasonable, and have fun with your life. So, this conversation is about being bold.

One time I had a friend invite me to Atlanta and he actually sent me a ticket on eBay. This was when eBay first launched, and he sent me a ticket and just said, you know, I’ll meet you up in Atlanta, so I trusted it, and I got to the airport, flew up to Atlanta, he took me on a walk and said I can go anywhere I wanted to, and my friend Peter Schlosser took me to the Fox Theatre up in Atlanta, where my very favorite Keith Urban was in concert, and he had surprised me and got me tickets. That’s kind of the crazy boldness, unreasonable thinking that I’m inspiring you to have even more in your life.

One time my daughter, Auriana, asked for Christmas that I would take her on one of my Rich Life Mastermind Retreats, just her and I, without the Mastermind. So, I said, “Are you sure, Auriana? You want that gift for Christmas? That means you’re only going to get a sheet of paper underneath that Christmas tree.”  Yes, that’s what she wanted. So, sure enough, Christmas day comes and goes, and she gets that gift: A promise of a surprise trip, a Rich Life Mastermind Retreat.

Two months later, its mid February, I pick her up at school and she gets in the car and we start driving. She’s like, “Where are we going, we’re not going home?”

I said, “No, we’re not going home.”

And she said, “Is today the day?!”

And I said, “Yes, today is the day.”

I had packed just a couple of things for her, picked her up at school, drove right to the airport. She didn’t know where we were going and I told everybody in the Delta Crown Room not to tell my daughter where we were going, because I wanted it to be a surprise as she walked up to the gate. So, sure enough, here she is, she walks up to the gate and she sees we’re going to Las Vegas!

And we spent three days in Las Vegas at the Paris hotel and I took her dune buggy racing out in the desert during the day and then at night we got all showered and dressed up and went to see the “O” the amazing Cirque du Soleil show. It was just a wild adventure that I took Auriana on as her gift for Christmas that year.

I have rented out homes in Sweden, in France, in Spain, all by myself. I took my three children to Paris for the Summer the year after I got a divorce as a healing vacation. My kids even said to me, “You know mom, this isn’t our dream, to spend the Summer in Paris, but it’s your dream, so we’ll go with you, for you.” 

And renting a flat on the Shan de lise with my three children all by myself. One time we got home from grocery shopping and I had challenges with getting the door open with the key and the owner of the apartment had to come and help me get in and he said to me, with his French accent, “Lisa, Lisa, why do you come here without a man, you need a man, with three children without a man in Paris.” But you know you guys, sometimes I do feel like that, like I put myself in such a risk, risky, bold circumstance or situation. 

I’ve been lost on the Shan de lise, I’ve been lost on the TGV Train, I’ve been lost in London and couldn’t find my flat that I rented. So, I know I put myself in some risky situations, but isn’t that what living is about? About pushing yourself, about pushing the envelope about what’s possible, about the element of danger, about just expansion and doing things outside your comfort zone.

Give yourself the gift to live large.

That’s our conversation today. I look forward to reading your comments below. 

What’s the most wild, irresistibly delicious, unreasonable thing you’ve ever done in your life?

Write it below, let’s talk about it. Thanks for being on today, you guys. Make it a great day!


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