Lisa J. Coaching


I’m a Mindset Coach Passionate About Helping Entrepreneurs Break Through To The Next Level Of Success


I’m a Mindset Coach Passionate About Helping Entrepreneurs Break Through To The Next Level Of Success

Book a Free Discovery Call to see if the Tuscany Mastermind Retreat will help your business and life soar!

Download One Of My Powerful Mindset Checklists
To Create The Business & Life You Love

I’m a mom of three fab kids, a blushing new bride to JJ, an opera singer in the shower, and I’m obsessed with mastering the ukulele for my “future” grand babies!

I love fearless living, luxury travel, stimulating conversations, and inspiring myself and others to unleash our gifts and share them with the world.

But it wasn’t always this way…

International Speaker


I’m a mom of three fab kids, a blushing new bride to JJ, an opera singer in the shower, and I’m obsessed with mastering the ukulele for my “future” grand babies!

I love fearless living, luxury travel, stimulating conversations, and inspiring myself and others to unleash our gifts and share them with the world.

But it wasn’t always this way…

I’m a mom of three fab kids, a blushing new bride to JJ, an opera singer in the shower, and I’m obsessed with mastering the ukulele for my “future” grand babies!

I love fearless living, luxury travel, stimulating conversations, and inspiring myself and others to unleash our gifts and share them with the world.

But it wasn’t always this way…

International Speaker


Raving Endorsements...


Raving Endorsements...


Best Selling Author

Mindset Reset Hard Cover Book

The mind is either our greatest tool or our greatest saboteur. 
Learn how to harness the power of your mind to bust through barriers and create a life you love with Lisa’s new book, Mindset Reset.

Slay The Dragon Hard Cover Book

Slay the Dragon will equip you to begin achieving at a whole new level. You will learn how to DRIVE your mind and discipline your emotions to slay the Dragons of Self-Sabotage, get out of your own way, and intentionally create your best life.

Conquer Fear Hard Cover Book

The biggest barrier that entrepreneurs have to overcome is fear. Conquer Fear teaches you how to transform fear into fuel. You will regain your drive, childlike courage, risk-taking ability, and get “on fire” for what is possible in your life & your legacy.

Don't Mess With The Princess Hard Cover Book

Don’t Mess With the Princess! reveals the truth about femininity and the power of being a woman in business and in life. It will inspire you to tap into your feminine power to discover your ideal career, attract your dream mate & manifest your dream life.

Slay The Dragon
Hard Cover Book

Slay the Dragon will equip you to begin achieving at a whole new level. You will learn how to DRIVE your mind and discipline your emotions to slay the Dragons of Self-Sabotage, get out of your own way, and intentionally create your best life.

Conquer Fear
Hard Cover Book

The biggest barrier that entrepreneurs have to overcome is fear. Conquer Fear teaches you how to transform fear into fuel. You will regain your drive, childlike courage, risk-taking ability, and get “on fire” for what is possible in your life & your legacy.

Don't Mess With The Princess Hard Cover Book

Don’t Mess With the Princess! reveals the truth about femininity and the power of being a woman in business and in life. It will inspire you to tap into your feminine power to discover your ideal career, attract your dream mate, and manifest your dream life.

Writing a book is the ride of a lifetime.

I loved it so much, I launched a publishing company! Let us help YOU write your book and improve your cash, credibility, and contribution. Find out how today. Click here

Luxury Travel Experiences


Experiential Rich Life Mastermind Retreat

Shift Your Mindset. Dream Bigger. Unleash Your Potential. 

I’ve got a question for you… When was the last time you spent a day, a weekend or a whole week thinking about your ideal life and strategizing a plan to achieve it? It’s crazy that people deny themselves that space and time when research proves undeniably that it’s the people who visualize their success and make a plan of action who meet with success. Research also shows profound facts about travel…

Luxury Travel Experiences


Experiential Rich Life Mastermind Retreat

Shift Your Mindset. Dream Bigger. Unleash Your Potential. 

I’ve got a question for you… When was the last time you spent a day, a weekend or a whole week thinking about your ideal life and strategizing a plan to achieve it? It’s crazy that people deny themselves that space and time when research proves undeniably that it’s the people who visualize their success and make a plan of action who meet with success. Research also shows profound facts about travel…

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