027: The Two Don’ts and The Two Do’s of Success

The Two Don'ts and
The Two Do's of Success

The Two Don'ts and
The Two Do's of Success

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Hey Everyone! Lisa J. here and today on our show, we’re going to talk about the two don’ts and the two do’s of setting and achieving your goals. And I’m right here in Paradise, California and I’m inspired by this amazing growth here and the rebuilding that’s happening here after the Camp Fire on November 8th, 2018. It’s only been ten months you guys and look at this, this growth. Most of the lots look like that. Which means it doesn’t look like much, but that’s a lot, because what it had on it was a burned down house and burned out cars. So the clearing of the lots here is extraordinary, the greenery is amazing. New just regeneration of the foliage: grass, trees, plants. It’s quite impressive to see how nature regenerates itself.

So, I want to share two don’ts and two do’s that I’m seeing the community of Paradise—wow, so beautifully giving an example of. But before I do, I want to share with you guys, that if this message resonates with you and the principles that I teach you every week on my YouTube show and on my podcast, if it resonates with you I want to invite you to some private and personal coaching in a new coaching program that I’m launching: Mindset Magic. We are getting ready for a brand new year, what a way to partner with me and the other like-minded participants from all over the world. We have five countries represented so far and there’s still time for you to sign up. It does include daily intention calls with me, so I know that’s a lot, and that’s intense, but if you’re up for that I want you to go to LisaJCoaching.com/mindset and check it out.

Now, let’s talk about two don’ts and two do’s for you to move forward powerfully in your goals, setting and achieving. The first don’t is do not believe in your past.

Here in Paradise there are not putting their focus or their belief or their not resonating in the difficulty of what they went through, and that is tough, they lost everything. My parents lost everything. My brother, my cousins, my community of Paradise high School friends lost everything. My parents lived in their home 48 years, but they are not looking back at what they lost. Don’t look back at what you lost, don’t resonate in the pain anymore of that loss.

Choose today, that today’s a new day, a new day of moving forward.

So don’t get stuck in your past. Don’t believe in your past and the other don’t is don’t do it alone. Don’t get stuck in your past alone and don’t move forward alone. You need a community. I remember when I was dealing with moving forward from my divorce I had a counselor and I did therapy and I got help. Building my business, I wouldn’t be able to do it without my coach Randy Gage. Don’t do it alone. Right even now, I’m moving into even more of a social media platform, I wouldn’t be able to do it without the help of my team, with Eolyne Arnold and Sarah Young and Alycia. Extraordinary. So, don’t do it alone.

So the first don’t: Don’t rest on your past, don’t believe in your past, don’t get stuck in that resentment or that pain. You know when it’s time to move forward. And you might have to push yourself to move forward. You might have to just constantly shift, “Oh, I’m focusing on I lost my house that I lived in for 48 years. I’m focusing that I have nothing. I’m focusing on he left me. I’m focusing on they passed over. I’m focusing on loss.” And then you have to shift that. That’s up to you, my friend, everyday, every moment to monitor what you’re your resonating with and what you’re thinking about and then don’t do it alone.

Here are the two do’s: Do believe in yourself. Do believe in progress. Do believe that you’re divinely guided. Do believe in nature’s way of saying,

“Wow, I’m going to bless the brave. I’m going to inspire the mighty. The ones that step up and write that imaginary line of demarcation.”

So do choose and choose powerfully. I choose to recreate myself. I choose to set this goal. I know, you guys, that when you’re setting those goals you are transforming the planet, because that goal will cause you to transform yourself. So, the bigger your goal, the more you’re going to expand and become a better person, and that’s helping the planet expand as well.

So, I’ve had too many clients tell me, “Lisa, don’t you think I should just be grateful for what I have and not expect more.” Well, it’s not one or the other my friend.

You’re grateful for where you are and it is the human condition to expand, it’s the spiritual nature to expand.

So, of course you want to set another goal, and you want to water those seeds of desire. That’s what expand you, that’s what expands the human condition, that’s what expands the human spirit in this world. So, yes do believe in yourself, believe in your goal, let yourself be divinely guided. Do look for that expansion in you and that gift that when you win, everyone wins. When you achieve that goal, everyone benefits. You write that Best-Selling book and you are making a difference for the world. You set that goal and achieve it, you’re making a difference for everyone in your community. So, do believe in yourself.

The other do is, and I love this one you guys, this is so powerful. This is what the Mindset Magic Coaching Program is all about. Do set an intention every single day. Be intentional. Set the intention that today we’re going to get this much done. Today I’m going to get this one thing done. Today, I’m being a woman of possibility. Today I’m being a man of gratitude. Today I’m being contribution. Today I’m being powerful.

Whatever your intention is, how are you going to show up for the world? Create it every single morning. Because if you’re not recreating yourself every single morning and you’re just waking up going about your day and you haven’t set the intention for who your being, what you’re going to accomplish that day then life is having it’s way with you. But you can actually have more power in your control to actually decide every morning, “I’m being…” and who are you being that day. “I’m creating the possibility of achieving that goal, that task, that To-Do.” Gosh, you guys, it’s so powerful to set the intention and then your past isn’t dictating you and even your present isn’t dictating you. You know what’s running you and dictating you and pulling you, not pushing, pulling you like a magnet, what’s pulling you is that future you. The better more expanded version of you. The version of you that’s achieved its goals. You had that goal to create that income and that income gave you the opportunity to help others, to build orphanages, to rebuild Paradise, and that is what I’m seeing in the workers here.

Now there is a camp just 4 miles out of Paradise called Man Camp – Woman Camp, and they are dedicated, they have an intention everyday with how much work they’re going to get done that day. How many lots they want cleared that week. And they have given their lives to do that, those workers. They’ve left their families and their homes and they’re living 4 miles away from Paradise in what we call— I mean you can see all their fabricated homes, all their cars are there. That’s their pop-up community until this town is rebuilt. That’s creating an intention. That’s a line demarcation.

So, right there you got the two do’s: the line of demarcation, write it, make that choice, make that decision. And then the do number two, that sounds funny! To do number two is create the intention everyday. Every single day. Who are you being that day? What’s your goal for that day? And you’re living your life intentionally and it’s not about being so strict with your discipline that you don’t enjoy that, you do enjoy that because you get to, you’re choosing to. So if there’s a task you don’t want to do, delegate it and that’s how you’re being intentional and you’re not doing it, you’re delegating it. Or shift your beliefs about it and you powerfully choose to make that phone call. You powerfully choose to complete that task.

And if you’re thinking metaphysically, just imagine the energy— everything is energy, the energy that you’re putting toward your life. The energy that you’re creating that goal with is with such beautiful energy.

Just like nature, it’s happening, you’re divinely guided, it’s happening in alignment. It’s happening with your intention.

You are aligned with your goals, you’re aligned with your purpose, and you are just being the most beautiful version of you. That future you calling you to become better. I want that for you.

So, that’s our show for this week, taken right here from Paradise, California and inspired by all the people. You guys, who are recreating and rebuilding Paradise, California. Alright, love to all of you, make it a great beautiful week!

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